Agencies like the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration gather statistics about injuries and fatalities resulting from car-pedestrian collisions. However, researchers have to go to various sources for details because some of this information does not show up in police reports.
The risks of walking
Everyone takes a risk in walking, just as we do with any kind of travel. It is difficult to determine exactly how many pedestrians are killed or injured each year because there is a lack of accurate information as to how much time people spend walking on an annual basis and how much of the walking population is exposed to possible danger from passing traffic.
NHTSA statistics
NHTSA information shows that in 2015, 5,376 pedestrians died as the result of collisions with vehicles in our country—almost 15 people every day. Furthermore, a whopping 70,000 pedestrians were injured in clashes with vehicles that year, a 15 percent increase over a period of 10 years.
Who the victims are
According to the NHTSA and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 70 percent of the walkers who became fatalities in 2014 were male, and nearly three out of four of these fatalities occurred in urban localities. More than a quarter of the car-pedestrian crashes happened between 6:00 pm and 8:59 pm, and alcohol played a part in a significant number of these deaths: 14 percent of drivers and 34 percent of pedestrians who had a blood alcohol content of 0.08 percent or above.
Keep on walking
Walking is healthy. It keeps your body tuned up and helps to prevent heart disease and related issues. It is generally safe, as well, so you should continue to walk when and where you wish. Unfortunately, if the unimaginable occurs and you are struck by a vehicle, you could sustain severe injuries. You may or may not appear on a police report, but you will need both medical and legal assistance. Your attorney would engage the help of professionals, such as accident reconstructionists and physical therapists to help determine what happened and what your needs will be going forward.